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Hi I'm


Welcome to my personal place. I'm a software developer with a background in Python, specializing in backend development with the Django framework. Additionally, I possess expertise in machine learning and data science, along with knowledge of various databases. With a passion for crafting robust solutions and leveraging cutting-edge technologies, I am dedicated to continual learning and growth in the dynamic field of software development.

About Me

  • I'm all about tech, with a knack for diving into the nitty-gritty of Django and Django Rest Framework, while keeping my Python skills sharp.
  • Fascinated by the world of data science, AI, and machine learning, I'm on a perpetual quest for knowledge and growth. Always open to feedback, I thrive on collaboration and bouncing ideas off others to create awesome solutions.
  • My toolbox includes Python (with pandas, numpy, scikit-learn, and more), SQL, NoSQL, data analysis, and modeling. Currently, I'm neck-deep in backend development and loving every bit of it!
  • Name:Kasra
  • Age: 28
  • From: Iran
  • Email:
  • Availabiltiy: Full time / Part time
  • Experience in python: 4yr
  • Experience in back-end(Django): 2yr
  • Experience in ML: 2yr


Master's degree, Artificial Intelligence

Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


Bachelor's degree, Computer Engineering

Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


Professional Background

Web Developer


JAN-2019 - FEB-2020

  • Web design and web development using wordpress, html, css
  • SQL Developer

    Elmosanat Co

    MAY-2021 - MAR 2022

  • Develop SQL-based databases and system reporting software
  • Python and Machine Learning developer


    JAN-2022 - MAR 2023

  • Creating a web application for visualizing project schedules, as well as utilizing artificial intelligence to suggest improvements for project timeline management
  • Machine Learning Engineer


    JUL-2022 - JUL 2023

  • Development of reinforcement learning (RL) models for automated trading in financial markets
  • Some Of My Projects

    Discover my projects, merging creativity with innovation

    Cpm Checker

    Mobile application for drawing various charts and diagrams for project scheduling files (.xer) - The purpose of implementing this mobile application is visualizing the stages of project execution and extracting its features for general users. This mobile application has been developed in collaboration with the American company Actarra.

    Link To The Project

    Cpm Diagram Maker

    Our website is designed for project schedulers, offering streamlined diagram creation, critical path method (CPM) determination, and timeline-based calculations. Users can efficiently generate diagrams, identify critical paths, and obtain valuable insights into project scheduling for enhanced management processes.

    Link To The Project

    Image Watermark Detection

    Our project focuses on using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to detect watermarks in images. By training the CNN model on diverse datasets, we aim to accurately identify and analyze embedded watermarks. Our system aims to provide a reliable solution for protecting digital content and preserving intellectual property rights across various industries.

    Link To The Project